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Student Profile Tags
What tags are best practice for reviewing an applicant who is applying to your school? This blog post explains how tags can guide a student's enrolment journey.
When reviewing a student application, it's important to look at key pieces of information and tag appropriately. This is for two reasons:
- Tagging means you don't have to deep dive the application again (saving time by only reviewing each application once) and
- EnrolHQ can rank (lead score) the applicant based on values associated with your tags. This means you offer places to families that best fit your enrolment strategy.
In EnrolHQ, we use both general tags which are associated with all applicants, but also Student Profile Categories, where specific tags or labels are customised and applied to each applicant depending on your school's application process and specific requirements.
Here are some tags to consider:
Demographic Information:
Gender (M/F/X)
Attendance Type (Day Student, Boarder, ELC)
International Student (Y/N)
Academic Performance:
NAPLAN - Maths Results (Poor, Average, Good, Excellent)
NAPLAN - English Results (Poor, Average, Good, Excellent)
School Reports (Poor, Average, Good, Excellent)
ICAS Testing Results (Poor, Average, Good, Excellent)
Extracurricular Activities:
Certificates / Awards (Y/N), Representative (Zone, State, National)
Minister's Reference (Y/N), Family Reference (Y/N), Past School Reference (Y/N)
Special Considerations:
Learning Support (Y/N), Learning Extension (Y/N)
Interview Performance:
Assessment by Interviewer (Poor, Average, Good, Excellent)
Waitlist :
(Financial Concerns, Academic Concerns, Schooling History Concerns, Pastoral Concerns, Family Concerns)
Number of Deferrals (Deferral (1), Deferral (2), Deferral (3))
Sibling, Staff, Alumni Status:
School Connections, Staff Child, Current or Future Siblings
Residential Status:
Citizen, Permanent resident, Temporary Resident, Visa Holder
Visa To Be Supplied
Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Other Medical Alerts
Application Status:
Incomplete, Waiting on More Information, Submitted, Declined
Application Review:
Passed, Waiting on more information, Failed
Document Uploads Status:
Verified, Not Verified
eg Team Sports, Individual Sport, Music, Creative Arts, Performing Arts, STEM, Public Speaking
Top Reason for Choosing this School:
eg Values, Faith Based Education, Academics, Sporting or Music Programs, Location, Reputation, Alumni
This is how tags display against the student profile once set up:
You can then filter on the tags in the Review views inside EnrolHQ.
Finally, you can run reports and assign Custom Forms and different Parent Dashboard content / tasks based on the applied tags.
For example, a Boarder with Learning Support requirements will have different tasks, downloads and information presented to them compared to a Day Student who is interested in Team Sports and has English as not their first language. The power of reviewing an applicant once, tagging their profile and then letting the system personalise the enrolment journey for each student is a powerful feature.
At EnrolHQ, we know that the successful use of tags can help you and your admissions team keep track of applicant information and make informed decisions. If you need help setting up tags, please send us an email at support@enrolhq.com.au and one of our team will be more than happy to help.